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How to Celebrate the Super in our Kids?

Writer's picture: ValerieValerie

Superheroes are everywhere.

As a boy mom, I’ve struggled with these characters and the impact they’ve had on my boys. (LINK: Are Superheroes good for our kids)

But there is something about superheroes that draw us in and make us want to see movies about them and our kids to dress up like them.

Jonathan Scott at studiobinder, states in an article about superheroes, that we love them because “Superheroes stand for truth and justice in a world that needs both of those things.”

But it’s not only standing for truth and justice, but it’s how superheroes

· Rises to the occasion

· Disregards personal safety

· Wants to benefit others

· Does not accept being helpless

These are character traits we can encourage in our children if we look for the opportunities.

In order to focus on the Character qualities, we want to see in our kids, we have to speak those qualities into them. I heard it said once that what we say to our kids becomes their inner voice as an adult.

No this isn’t some hocus pocus, but to focus on what is good in our kids and telling them what we see.

Find the Positive

Jim and Lynne Jackson of Connected Families have a great resource on their website about the positive character quality that is shown in the most unloving ways. Or as they call it the Gifts gone awry.

In this article and in their book Discipline that connects with your child’s heart, they speak to how some of our kids’ greatest qualities often appear in the most unloving ways.

· Arguing/Backtalk → Honesty, strong feelings/opinions, confidence

· Bossiness/Strong Will → Leadership, assertiveness

· Complaining → Awareness of problems, potential for good problem-solving

These are some of the ‘Gifts gone awry’ that Jim and Lynne speak to.

But in the heat of the moment when complaining, strong will, and arguing are rearing their heads it is hard for me to stay positive. Because in truth I am strong willed, stubborn, and determined also. I wonder where they got that from… (Heavy dose from both parents, for better or worse)

But when I take a pause and speak positively into a moment of conflict, it helps to diffuse emotions and makes my kids feel seen.

Which is truly what we all want.

Help your Kids understand how their superpowers affect others.

Overall, the idea of superpowers sounds pretty cool. Personally, I’d want the power to go super-fast, like the Flash, because the to do list is never ending. But every superhero over time discovers the flaw in their ability.

Like with the Superspeed idea above, because the Flash does everything fast, he struggles to slow down and enjoy the moment.

Same is true for our kids.

The positive character qualities we see in our kids can often be misinterpreted or executed by our kids in a poor manner.

For example, my middle kiddo has a strong sense of justice. He is great at making sure everything is fair for all parties involved. But when he encounters his brothers’ creativity he lacks flexibility, which usually ends up in a wrestling match. Then we get to have other conversations.

But taking the time to communicate how hard fast rules limit his brother’s creativity, which is a superpower God has given them, opens the door for my middle son to have a greater understanding of his brothers and how he affects the world around him. It opens his eyes to how his gifts can affect those around him.

Not to discount that my creative kiddos need to understand how their free spirits make my middle feel out of control. All of them have to take the time to understand how they affect their world.

Remind them of their Choice

In every origin story, our superhero has a choice to make. To either use the powers they have received for good or for themselves. The same is true for our kids.

Sin wants to turn their Super against God. Anger and insecurity are the enemy’s goal.

But when we take the time (the hardest part more me-no doubt) to walk our kids through conflict and to stay positive God will help us fight off those enemies.

It is easy for kids to believe that they have no power, no way to fight the emotions going on inside them. We have to be the voice that says, ‘God has not given you are spirit of fear, but of power in Christ Jesus’. (2 Timothy 1:7) With Christ they can make the best choice and all they have to do is to pause long enough to ask for help from the Lord.

Show them How Jesus used his superpowers

Colossians 1:15 says, “Christ is the visible image of the invisible God. He existed before anything was created and is supreme over all creation…” Throughout the gospels Jesus showed off his supreme power. Power over sickness, power over nature, power over matter itself.

With all the power of creation at his disposal, how did Jesus use this power?

1. He left the safety and perfection of heaven to be with the people he would save. He was HUMBLE

Do nothing out of selfish ambition but in everything consider others before yourself. Philippians 2:3-4

2. He could have come in glory and ruled overall, but he submitted himself to poverty, hunger, and service. He was NURTURING

3. He saw the outcasts, the sick, and the different of his culture and sought them out. He was COURAGEOUS

4. He saw the needs of those around him and met their needs. He was EMPATHETIC.

5. He did not fear the teachers and leaders of the day. He knew who he served, and he knew what God needed him to do. He had great CONVICTION and HONEST

6. He didn’t just meet needs and disappear he took the time to meet people in their sin and teach them a better way, God’s way. He was INSPIRATIONAL

These are the character qualities that Jesus showed through the power he had within him. It may not seem as flashy, but they are the qualities I hope to instill in my boys as they learn more about Jesus and grow into manhood.

Do you have a superhero fan in your house?

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